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Business Cards

Mastercard and Visa charge business

Find out more

Mastercard and VISA


Cards for legal entities engaged in manufacturing or service activities in private or state ownership in BiH


  • Dostupnost gotovine

    Cash availability

    Pay with your card and raise cash on a large number of ATMs and sales outlets in the country and abroad

  • Praćenje troškova

    Cost monitoring

    Simply and transparently track business costs

  • Online kupovina

    Online shopping

    Buy online with the highest standards of safety

  • Grace period

    Grace period

    The period without interest is until the 15th of the month if you pay the full amount of debt per card

    Debt settlement after the 15th of the month implies interest calculation

Reciklirane kartice

Kontaktirajte me


Popunite formu Kontaktirajte me> kako bismo pronašli najbolje rješenje za Vaše potrebe. 

Napomena: Popunjavanje iste je u potpunosti neobavezujućeg karaktera.

Ugovorite sastanak


Koristeći formu u nastavku Ugovorite sastanak u Banci kako bismo pronašli najbolje rješenje za Vaše potrebe. 

Posebne pogodnosti za korisnike Visa Business kartica

Posebne pogodnosti za korisnike Mastercard Business kartica


  • For easy and quick access to business card
    • With Raiffeisen business cards you can make contactless payments, withdraw cash and keep an eye on your spending.

      For easy and quick assess to your business card statements, we offer you the e-statement service, a free service from Raiffeisen Bank.

      E-statement is a monthly electronic statement available at the web portal or by e-mail (at one or several e-mail accounts) and also allows you to access your statement archive for the last six month.

      When you opt for e-statement, you will no longer receive paper statements at your company address.



Fill out the card application and submit it to the nearest branch office>.
