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Sight deposits

You want to have unrestricted access to your money?

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Sight deposits


You want to have unrestricted access to your money? Then sight/saving deposits are your right choice!



  • Vašim sredstvima možete raspolagati bez ograničenja

    You have unrestricted access to your money

    You have access to your money within the amount available in the account.

  • Odaberite valutu u kojoj želite štediti

    Select the currency of your saving

    You can opt to save in KM, EUR or any other currency appearing on our foreign exchange list.

  • Nemate obavezu minimalnog i maksimalnog iznosa pologa depozita

    You don't have a minimum and maximum deposit obligation

  • Vaša sredstva su Vam dostupna

    Your funds are available to you


    At the cash desk of the bank through savings book

    Through a permanent order Using electronic services

    Through the service of Raiffeisen Banking in Viber

    Through the ATM

Find out more


Fill out this request to find the best solution for your needs.

Note: Completion of the same is completely non-binding.
