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Official opening of three new Raffee the giraffe playgrounds


• Raiffeisen Bank donated over KM 33.000 on the occasion of the World Savings Day

• Over 700 children visited branches of the Bank all over the country

(Sarajevo, 31/10/2018) – “Raiffeisen Bank celebrates the World Savings Day by donating the children playgrounds. This kind of donation has contributed our country to be richer by 30 children playgrounds. I am very happy to know that good-quality equipment at the playgrounds will contribute to better time spent while children stay at their kindergartens. Total value of the playgrounds that we have set-up and opened in this year exceeds KM 33.000 and their constituent part is Raff the Giraffe, the symbol of our children savings. We will continue doing this throughout the next year“, said Karlheinz Dobnigg , Chairman of the Management Board of Raiffeisen Bank, adding that the Bank implements this project together with its partner, Western Union.

By following its principles of sustainability strategy and striving to share its success with the community in which it operates, Raiffeisen Bank has been celebrating the World Savings Day by equipping children playgrounds since 2008. During this year we set-up the playgrounds within the kindergarten Lužani in Lužani, Public Educational Institution for Pre-School Children in Srebrenik and in the kindergarten Vitez in Vitez.

We traditionally celebrate the World Savings Day by hosting many children in our branches and in the head-office. Employees of the Bank throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina hosted around 700 children from primary schools and kindergartens trying to present them our work in a pleasant atmosphere and show them the importance of savings and the benefit they have to the individuals and society.
