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More efficient management of liquidity and costs!


If you want to consolidate your finance and manage centrally the liquidity of your affiliated companies - regardless of their seats - we have specially created payment services available.


  • Efikasnije upravljanje likvidnošću

    More efficient liquidity management

    Centralisation of payment services

  • Dinamičnije poslovanje

    Dynamic business operations

    One access point to all your accounts.

  • Troškovno racionalnije poslovanje

    Cost-efficient business

    Using the benefits of inter-group relationship.

Our services - support to your business

  • Cash Management International (CMI)
    • The CMI service enables centralised management of accounts and payments at the Group level. CMI is agreed centrally through Raiffeisen Bank International Austria. One access point to all accounts enables you to initiate payment orders and receive account statements for all accounts opened with Raiffeisen Group and partner banks.

  • Business operations through SWIFT network
    • SWIFT MT101    

      Using of the SWIFT MT101 service enables you to deliver payment orders in the financial message format MT101 from SWIFT address of the Bank to abroad in line with your instruction and concluded service agreement. Below is the example for completing the SWIFT MT101 payment order for domestic and international payments.

      If your parent company is SCORE user, you can submit your orders in SWIFT format MT101 from SWIFT address of SCORE user in line with your instructions. 

      SWIFT MT940    

      Regardless of where your parent company is located abroad, we offer you the possibility of delivering the account balance and movements statement to the bank located abroad in line with your instructions. You have a choice to select delivery of invoices every day, regardless of the fact whether you had any movements on account, or only for days when you had transactions on the account.
