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E-trading is a service by which Raiffeisen CAPITAL enables you - either as a private or institutional investor -  to directly place orders for trading on the BLSE. The e-trading application is user-friendly. In order to use it, you need to sign a Framework Brokerage Agreement with Raiffeisen CAPITAL and an Annex to the E-Trading Agreement. 

What can you do with e-trading?

  • Jednostavno i brzo izdavanje, promjena i povlačenje naloga.

    Simple and fast placing, change and withdrawal of orders

  • Pregled portfelja i stanje novčanih sredstava

    Check the balance of your personal portfolio and cash balance

  • Pregled tržišnih podataka

    Read market data

  • Praćenje trgovanja u realnom vremenu

    Monitor trading in real time

