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Apliciraj online


Poštovani, ukoliko ste zainteresovani za instalaciju POS terminala Raiffeisen banke na Vašim prodajnim mjestima ili ugovaranje e-pay usluge, e commerce rješenja za Vaš web shop, molimo da obrazac u prilogu ispunite, potpišete, ovjerite i dostavite kao atachment putem forme "Apliciraj online".

Zahtjev za e-pay možete preuzeti OVDJE.

Raiffeisen e-pay

Why to choose Raiffeisen e-pay?

  • Sigurnost


    Raiffeisen e-pay provides bill security for businesses and security for customer transactions thanks to the highest security standards for card acceptance required by Visa International (Verified by Visa) and MasterCard Worldwide (MasterCard Secure Code).

  • Niži troškovi

    Lower costs

    Opening an internet store clears the traders of the usual investment and the cost of opening a physical sales outlet.

    Reduced logistics costs of procurement, distribution and delivery of goods and services. In addition, lower transaction costs, billing costs, and the duration of the sales process.

    By using Raiffeisen e-pay services, traders redirect card acceptance transactions to Raiffeisen Bank's website and thereby release the responsibility and cost of maintaining sensitive card data.

  • Veći prihod

    Greater income

    Business availability 24 hours a day 7 days a week with no time limit for sale.

    Global business makes sales reach larger - buyers can pay with any bank card from anywhere in the world.

    Increased availability of web store sales to customers in relation to the physical locations of a sales outlet, which is achieved through web browsers and advertising links on the visited web pages.

Kontaktirajte me


Popunite formu Kontaktirajte me> kako bismo pronašli najbolje rješenje za Vaše potrebe. 

Napomena: Popunjavanje iste je u potpunosti neobavezujućeg karaktera.

Ugovorite sastanak


Koristeći formu u nastavku Ugovorite sastanak u Banci kako bismo pronašli najbolje rješenje za Vaše potrebe. 

