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Purchase of securities

Would you like to buy securities in a simple procedure?

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Would you like to buy securities?


You would like to buy securities in a simple procedure? To make purchases via Raiffeisen CAPITAL you need to make an agreement with us by presenting your ID card and to make an advance payment into our account in the full amount of the intended purchase plus the transaction costs. You can then place the buy order.

  • Chose the type of order
    • In respect of the time of execution, you can chose between open, daily or limited order.

      With regard to the price, there are also restricted or free warrant.

  • Instruction for advance payments at Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Raiffeisen BANK dd Bosna i Hercegovina

      Beneficiary:  Raiffeisen CAPITAL a.d.

      Account number: 161 045 003 508 0184 at Raiffeisen Bank

      Payment details: Advance payment for the purchase/Name
