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Another successful business year behind Rraiffeisen BANK


- Raiffeisen Bank presents its business results for 2017

- Better availability through traditional and digital channels

(Sarajevo, 17/04/2018) – “I am proud to say that the year behind was very successful and that Raiffeisen Bank continues to be one of the leading banks in this market. We have been very active in all our business segments striving to adjust our digital services by following dynamic technology development. The fact that we have placed more than a billion new loans confirms our commitment to support the B&H economy. On the other hand, deposits increased by KM 298 million attesting the customers’ trust into the strength of the Raiffeisen brand“, said Mr Karlheinz Dobnigg, the Chairman of the Management Board of Raiffeisen Bank, and added with pleasure that the Bank’s commitment to its business relations with customers resulted in over 40.000 new customers. 

During the year, the Bank offered its customers the Raiffeisen Viber Banking for simple and fast banking and redesigned the web page striving to make easier access to information for its customers. Moreover, the business network of 98 branches has been modernised.

Another confirmation to correct business model of Raiffeisen Bank in the previous year came in the form of acknowledgements by the global magazines Global Finance and Euromoney for the Best Bank in BiH, but also for the Best Digital Bank.

„Thanks to our customers who put their trust into us, we were able to share our business success with the community in which we operate, by focusing on supporting the most vulnerable segments of our society, primarily children. In line with our sustainability strategy, we supported a total of 95 projects in 2017 focusing on children and persons with special needs. For these purposes the Bank allocated KM 800.000“, added Mr Dobnigg.

In 2018, Raiffeisen Bank will try to face its business challenges in the best way possible and offer its customers maximum service quality which they deserve. The focus will remain on enhancements of digital banking and strengthening relations through which the Bank tries to be a fair partner in business to its customers.
