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Closing another successful bussines year, Raiffeisen Bank arranged a coctail event for media representatives


- The cocktail event arranged to celebrate 25 years of stable business of the Bank in the BiH market

(Sarajevo, 14.12.2017.) -  In the solemn atmosphere of the Raiffeisen GALLERY, in the Sarajevo Head Office, members of the Management Board of the Bank organised a social event with the media representatives.

Closing the 25th year of stable and successful operations of Raiffeisen Bank in the BiH market, Mr. Karlheinz Dobnigg, Chairman of the Management Board of Raiffeisen Bank, addressed the media representatives and thanked them for being partners of the Bank over this past period.  

Also, Mr. Dobnigg pointed out the following: : “We are pleased to see that, following our business strategy through all these years, we have been recognised for one of leading financial institutions with a strong market position. Our good business results stem from continuous adjustment of our offer to the expectations and needs of our customers who see our strong brand as a key driver of our value, reliability, safety, trust and partnership”.

Raiffeisen Bank keeps a close eye on the market trends and thus sees the contemporary digitalisation trend as a challenge. Hence, to meet the digitalisation standards, the Bank has been remodelling its wide network of branches. Our successful adjustment to the digital era has been confirmed by the award for the “Best Digital Bank in B&H in 2017” we received from the famous magazine Global Finance.

“Committed to our sustainability strategy we strive to be a reliable partner of our customers and offer them solutions tailored for their business growth. Only such a mutually beneficial relationship grounded on a mutual trust may result in a success of all parties involved. Moreover, our strategy implies sharing our success with the local community. Therefore, I am especially pleased by the fact that this year alone we supported 95 projects related to charity, education, sports, culture and environment protection”, Mr. Dobnigg added.

In the period to come, the activities of Raiffeisen bank will be oriented towards digitalisation with a focus on innovative, proactive and personalised customer approach.
