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Raiffeisen is the most active issuing bank in B&H in 2018


The award by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development


(Sarajevo, 08/05/2019) – “We are truly happy to win such a prestigious award, which additionally confirms that we are on the right track in our investment banking activities. As one of the leading professional brokers in the market, we offer purchase and sale of financial instruments both in the country and abroad. Additionally, the award for Raiffeisen is a motivating factor for us to keep improving our customer service quality“, said Karlheinz Dobnigg, the CEO of the Management Board of Raiffeisen Bank and added that Raiffeisen tries to be professional partner to its customers on a continuous basis. At any time, customers can rely on our advisory services and support of a professional and experienced team of the Bank.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development presented the award for the Most Active Issuing Bank in 2018 to Raiffeisen Bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Trade Facilitation Programme. 

This year, the award ceremony was organised during the EBRD Annual Meeting and Business Forum which took place in Sarajevo. This is a very important event attended by numerous representatives of international business community, investors, senior governmental officials and other participants from the business world.  The flagship partner of this year’s Forum was Raiffeisen Bank International.
