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Successful business results of Raiffeisen BANK


• An active contribution to the BH economy and commitment to this market


(Sarajevo, 10/05/2019) Raiffeisen Bank organised an event with media representatives after publishing its annual results for 2018. 

On that occasion, Mr. Karlheinz Dobnigg, Chairman of the Management Board of Raiffeisen Bank said: “It is my pleasure to announce that we remained a stable bank with very good business performance and the generated growth of profit compared to the previous year.  The financial system has a key role in rendering support to the sustainable economic growth. It facilitates financing and liquidity, and offers more efficient risk management. We continue our active contribution to the BH economy and we remain committed to this market“, and added: “High profitability is the result of strengthening of relationship with our customers. The loans at the end of 2018 were KM 2.4 billion. By increasing the deposits by KM 238 million or 6.8% compared to the previous year, the customers once again showed their trust in Raiffeisen Bank.“

During 2018, Raiffeisen Bank carefully used the opportunity of digitalisation and tried to facilitate everyday business to its customers through innovative services. The award for “The Best Digital Bank in B&H” presented by the Global Finance magazine to Raiffeisen confirms that the customers’ expectations in the era of fast technological development have been met successfully. Still, the Bank did not neglect its traditional business channels and at the end of last year it had 99 branches in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

By following the sustainability strategy as an inseparable part of business operations, the Bank combined its business success with socially responsible activities, and it supported more than 100 projects in the past year. Its employees also contributed with their volunteering activities. Mr Dobnigg said:  “I am proud that our customers and public have very positive reactions to this practice, and encourage us to continue with numerous socially responsible activities, and also be an example to others“.

Our customers will continue to be the focus of business activities of Raiffeisen Bank, both private individuals and legal entities, as well as our efforts to offer them the services they expect with facilitated business with the bank.
