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Internet bankarstvo for legal entities

RBBH Net - Fast, easy and secure insight into your business with the Bank!

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Internet banking for legal entities


Fast, easy and secure insight into your business with the Bank.


  • Dostupnost informacija 24 sata na dan

    Availability of information 24 hours a day

  • Jednostavnije poslovanje

    Simpler business

    Fast and easy payment transactions in the country and abroad.

    Simply executing special payments such as payroll payments based on the list or settlement of credit obligations with the immediate execution of orders within the Bank's working hours.

  • Niži troškovi

    Raiffeisen savings

    Raiffeisen Internet Banking provides you with savings with better payment remunerations using Raiffeisen Internet Banking.

What does Internet banking provides for you?

  • Insight into account balance

  • Overview of traffic and statements

  • Payment transactions in the country and abroad

  • Simply performing special payments, such as salary payments based on the list or settling the loan obligations, with the current execution of orders within the Bank's working hours

  • Save money with more favorable fees for payment transactions

A special service for bookkeeping services


Raiffeisen Bank enables free issuance of the basic identification means for the inclusion of a bookkeeping service through which three companies are included in the electronic banking system.

An authorized employee of a bookkeeping service with one assigned ID asset has access to accounts of different clients, users of RBBHneta, for whose accounts he is authorized to perform financial operations.

Off line way to use

  • Off line way to use - SEB entry
    • SEB Entry is an application that is installed on the local computer of users and enables the preparation of accounts without connection to the Internet.

      Orders are being prepared on a local computer in the form of text files. Sending prepared processing orders to the Bank is done by connecting to an online application (SEB Corporate) where there is an option to import an order from your disk.

  • Instructions for installation
    • After installing the SEB Entry application on your computer, the following parameters are automatically set:

      • Regional Settings: Croatian

      • Decimal symbol: (zarez)

      • Digit grouping symbol: (tačka)

      • Time style: HH:mm:ss

      • Short date style: dd.MM.yyyy

      If your computer is already using some financial applications or other important programs that require a different set of Regional Settings parameters, it is not recommended to install the SEB Entry application on the machine.

      (right click on "Save Target As...")

      SEB Entry installation

      Setup for app installation
      for new users (size: 4,38 MB)

      SEB Entry installation manual

      Manual for new users
      (size: 167 Kb)

      SEB Entry application guide

      Application guide
      (size: 510 Kb)

      In case of problems when installing or using the SEB Entry application, it is recommended to install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.5.

      MDAC 2.5  It is installed in case of application problems (size: 7,57 MB)

How can you become a Raiffeisen Internet Banking user?


Raiffeisen Internet Banking can be arranged at the Raiffeisen Office immediately upon opening a transaction account. It's enough to filled and signed application form deliver to the nearest branch of the Bank.

Demo version - Click and find out more!


The demo version of the Internet banking application was created in order to familiarize clients with the way in which the service works and the opportunities it provides. Through the demo version of the application it is possible to go through individual service functions and gain the impression that the same in reality works.

Please note that the data listed in the demo version, for example, user name, account numbers, etc. they are not real. Also, please note that the data that clients enter when they try out the demo version of the application for this service will not be saved, or they will be deleted immediately upon exiting the demo version.

To run a demo version of an Internet banking application, you need to click on the link from the following:

Demo version>

