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Sale of securities

You want to sell your securities through Raiffeisen CAPITAL?

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You want to sell your securities?


You want to sell your securities through Raiffeisen CAPITAL? We are available for you in a simple procedure. All you have to do is to bring your ID card with you to make an agreement with us and give us a sell order. The sales proceeds will be paid into your account.


  • Informacije su Vam lako dostupne

    Easy access to information

    We will be glad to provide you with the latest information on trends in security prices

  • Možete odabrati prodajnu cijenu

    You can choose the sale price

    You can place an order to sell at the prevailing market value for that day or set a minimum price to sell your shares. You can opt between a limited or a free order

  • Iskoristite mogućnost odabira vrste naloga

    Use the option to select the order type

    You can chose between open, daily or limited order
