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Visa Magic Card

This card allows you to get cash advances at any ATM in the country and abroad, repayable in up to 36 installments.

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Visa Magic card


This card allows you to get cash advances at any ATM in the country and abroad, repayable in up to 36 instalments. Withdrawals at Raiffeisen ATMs country-wide are free of charge.

Apply online


Complete the Card Application From and hand it in at any of our branches, together with a copy of your ID card and CIPS registration form.


  • Mogućnost plaćanja roba i usluga u zemlji i inostranstvu uz otplatu do 36 rata.

    You can pay for goods and services within the country and abroad in up to 36 instalments

  • Vaša kupovina ima i dodatnu vrijednost.

    Your purchase also has added value

    Loss compensation in case the goods purchased  in the country and abroad are flawed or stolen, applicable within 3 months for goods worth KM 50 or more.

    The loss compensation applies to any goods purchased, but there is a limit of KM 250 per loss event and a total of KM 500 for a 12-month period.

  • 3D Secure usluga

Reciklirane kartice

How are transactions split into instalments?


Transactions up to KM 50 are repayable in the full amount until the 20th day of the following month

Any transaction above KM 50 are automatically split into instalments, repayable until the 20th day of the following month:

Transaction amount

Number of monthly instalments

50,01 - 200 KM


200,01 - 500 KM


500,01 - 1.000 KM


1.000,01 - 5.000 KM


Ugovorite sastanak


Popunite formu  Ugovorite sastanak ili zatražite da Vas kontaktira uposlenik Banke, mi ćemo Vas pozvati u roku od 48 sati i odgovoriti na sva Vaša pitanja.
