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Click and pay utility bills - New service offer of Raiffeisen Bank


- Bill payment by customer’s confirmation click in the application.

(Sarajevo, 05/06/2018) – “Dynamic daily routine, full schedule and fast way of living leave us less and less time to do what we really enjoy doing. Respecting our customers’ time, we have introduced the “Click and Pay Utility Bills” service to enable payment of utility bills via pre-populated orders that require only a single confirmation click by the customer. This is just one of our services we have introduced following the trends of digitalisation and technological innovations“, stated Mr. Karlheinz Dobnigg, President of the Management Board of Raiffeisen Bank, adding that this service is also available via Internet banking application for PIs and Raiffeisen Banking on Viber.  

Service activation is simple and requires only a one-off entry of the consumer code indicated in the utility bill. Upon the customer’s service activation, for every following bill, the Bank prepares an order pre-populated with all relevant data. Hence, at the application login, the Bank displays to the customer their outstanding utility bills in an order form. To pay a bill the customer needs to make a single confirmation click in the application. Activation of this service will not change the current manner of utility bills’ delivery to the customer. 

The service presently may be used for payment of electricity bills to JP Elektroprivreda BiH (EPBiH). Džemo Borovina, executive director of the Supply and Trade Division of EPBiH pointed out the following: “We are witnesses to digital transformation of BiH, so EPBiH strives to be an active participant to this process. We invest significant efforts in modernisation of electricity supply to our buyers and wish to encourage them to follow us along the way. We are more than satisfied for being able now to provide simpler option of electricity bill payment to customers of Raiffeisen Bank since this bank is a pioneer in many segments of digitalisation.” 

If they sign up for this service until 09.05.2019, the service users shall get an additional benefit of one-year free-of-charge payment of their utility bills via e-account of JP EPBiH. This means a transaction fee refund to the customer’s account during the month following the bill payment. 
