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EIB loans


Based on cooperation between Raiffeisen Bank and the European Investment Bank (EIB), we can offer project financing loans - investments and working capital related to projects.


  • Grace period do 12 mjeseci

    Grace period of up to 12 months

    The funds can be used in a single amount or incrementally.

  • More Information
    • Loan amount depends on the company’s size and its needs.

      Private companies (up to 3,000 employees) may use loans up to EUR 12.5 mio (max. coverage of project costs is 100%).

      Public companies and other companies may use loans ranging from EUR 20,000 to EUR 12.5 mio (max. project cost coverage of 50%).


      Loan tenor for private companies is from 2 to 6 years and for public companies from 5 to 7 years.

      The loan is approved in the KM currency and comes with a mandatory EUR-indexation clause.

      Availability period is 12 months.

