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E-Trading is a service through which Raiffeisen BANK dd Bosnia and Herzegovina allows you to directly issue orders for trading on the Sarajevo Stock Exchange (SASE) via the Internet. The use of the application is easy, and the precondition is that you have concluded a Contract on brokerage with Raiffeisen BANK dd Bosnia and Herzegovina and submit a Request for the use of Raiffeisen E-Trading service.

What does E-Trading do for you?

  • Jednostavno i brzo izdavanje, promjenu i povlačenje naloga

    Easy and quick issuance, change and withdrawal of orders

  • Pregled portfelja i stanja novčanih sredstava

    Overview of portfolio and cash balance

  • Pregled tržišnih informacija

    Review of market information

Kontaktirajte me


Popunite formu Kontaktirajte me> kako bismo pronašli najbolje rješenje za Vaše potrebe. 

Napomena: Popunjavanje iste je u potpunosti neobavezujućeg karaktera.

Ugovorite sastanak


Koristeći formu u nastavku Ugovorite sastanak u Banci kako bismo pronašli najbolje rješenje za Vaše potrebe. 

Sarajevo Stock Exchange

  • Monitoring of trading
    • Through the SASE Observers Station (OBS), which you are contracting with SASE, you can monitor trading on the Sarajevo Stock Exchange in real time. You can find useful information about securities, traffic, the best buying / selling price and the depth of the market.

      Information about OBS fees>


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