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Long-term loans


Our customers can choose from different loan arrangements (with different purposes, maturities, repayment methods, prices and other terms), which our bank will structure to match the customer’s current business activities and project investment plans. If you plan to venture into major investments and expand your business or procure new machinery and equipment, your can opt for a long-term loan of our Bank to help you along the way.


  • Kredit krojen po Vašim potrebama

    A loan tailored-made to suit your needs

    Based on an individual approach, we find optimal solutions for you.

  • Fleksibilni uslovi prilagođeni vašim potrebama

    Flexible terms and conditions tailored for your needs

    The funds can be drawn as a single amount or incrementally

  • Posebni programi međunarodnog financiranja

    Special international financing programs

    We can offer you different financing via special programs

Kontaktirajte me


Popunite formu Kontaktirajte me> kako bismo pronašli najbolje rješenje za Vaše potrebe. 

Napomena: Popunjavanje iste je u potpunosti neobavezujućeg karaktera.

Ugovorite sastanak


Koristeći formu u nastavku Ugovorite sastanak u Banci kako bismo pronašli najbolje rješenje za Vaše potrebe. 

  • More Information
    • A loan amount depends on your needs and credit worthiness.

      Long-term loans are approved in the KM currency with a possibility of contracting the FX clause.

      Financing structure, availability period and grace period are all adjusted to the financing purpose. 

