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Raiffeisen GALLERY


The blend of art and banking has already become an affirmed concept  all over the world. This is why we designed part of the Raiffeisen Bank Head Office building in Sarajevo to serve as a gallery.

The Raiffeisen GALLERY project was implemented in 2009 jointly with the Sarajevo Academy of Fine Arts (ALU),  the oldest educational institution of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Each year Raiffeisen Bank and the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo sign a new memorandum that ensures the continuation of our cooperation. To mark the occasion, a joint exhibition of works by the top students of the year takes place at the gallery.

The bank also gives one-off grants to top students. Each joint exhibition is followed by individual exhibitions by selected students throughout the year. There have been almost 50 exhibitions of this kind so far.

Each exhibition is a sales opportunity that provides visitors with a chance to support these young artists by buying their works of art. It is thus a great pleasure to see that the public is increasingly aware of this project. The occasional purchases of these pieces of art in previous years have increased strongly in recent times.

Art lovers can admire these art exhibitions at the Bank's head office located at Zmaja od Bosne every business day from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Brochures of students

